Saturday, 7 April 2018

X sign on Saturn mount

X sign on saturn mountain

X sign on saturn mountain

1.If there is a sign of X on the Saturn mountain, then the person is battling disease and unfortunately does not leave him and can also be a victim of the accident, as well as all the evils of Saturn area are also found in such people.

2. If the mark of x is in the middle of the Saturn mountain, then such people are fanatics who are tantrikas of the lower kotas. This person makes use of the underprivileged tantric and they are behaving like a despondent people are also enemies

3. If the symbol of x matches the fate line, then such a person suffers accidental death.

4. If the Saturn area has an emblem of marks, as well as there is no advancement in the Venus region and also small and the child line is also evident, then there is the sum of childlessness of such a person.